7 simple ways to be more creative this year
Being creative isn’t easy, even for artists, musicians or others who do something creative as their full time job. At times, the ideas...

Slow change
After a holiday or at the start each new year we can feel inspired to make some changes to the way we live. The changes might be to: Get...

How long does it take to make new habits?
This is the time of year when we typically think about making new starts, taking on new challenges and tackling new projects. Over the...

How does your garden grow?
Many of us enjoy gardening - or at least enjoy sitting in the garden. But as I have discovered, you have to bring an attitude of slow to...

Upcycled style
Upcycing is about rediscovering, repurposing and reusing previously unwanted objects. Another name for this activity is reclaimism...

Quick tips: Decluttering
Don't use craft or your passion for upcycling as a licence to hoard large numbers of things – even if that does include craft materials...

Being a mender not a tosser
Mending is crafty - in more ways than one. Sewing on a loose button, patching a tear, stitching up a burst cushion is smart behaviour;...